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Members Only | Wine Tasting Social & Networking

from5:00 PM to - 8:00 PM UTCThe Instant Group1st Floor, The Blue Fin Building 110 Southwark St London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland SE1 0TA

Event is at Capacity!

Close up of Asian couple clinking glasses in wine shop

If you missed out on signing up but would like to register for our wait list, please email: Events team, with the subject Wine Tasting Wait List and we will register your interest and if a spot becomes available we shall notify you.

Guided by WSET Wine Expert and Tutor (& CRE professional as well as CREW UK member!) Jo Duckworth, we are set for an immersive wine journey through specially selected wines paired with their perfect food partners, exclusively for CREW members as one of this year's perks!

The evening will start at 6pm for arrivals and the event will promptly start at 6:30pm, throughout the evening of informal yet informative wine tasting there will be plenty of opportunities for discussion and of course networking.